Vacuum Table
Features and benefits: Designed for the Stone Hot Dog Peeler in removing the inedible casings from hot dogs, sausages and cocktail weenies. The Vacuum table is used when a plant does not have a central vacuum system in place or is in need of additional vacuum service.. It has a large 26”x39” table top, with a 66 cubic inch waste chamber. Easy to adjust settings for production optimization and tool less assembly and disassembly for quick and easy cleaning. The vacuum table comes with a 1 year electrical component warranty and a 3 year structural warranty.
Construction: Features include 12 gauge 304 Stainless Steel TIG welded body. 5 horse power fully wash down motor. Can be hard wired into the Stone peeler for control ease or a 30 amp plug availability for mobility ease. The vacuum system is standard at 40” of water at 180 cubic foot per minute.
Description: All equipment is manufactured and designed with endurance, sanitation, maintenance ease and production needs in mind.